
How To Code A Calendar App In C#

How to Run and Debug C / C++ Code via VSCode

How to Run and Debug C / C++ Code via VSCode: How to run, debug, and get IntelliSense for C/C++ files. This guide is focused on the Windows platform but can be extended to Mac and Linux with some minor changes. The only options available were Dev-C++ (outdated) and the original "Mammoth" Visual Studio. Lately, I found VSCodes and fell in love with it (first love was Atom). I tweaked it around and set it up as a complete IDE for small C, C++ projects.


Gourav Goyal Hacker Noon profile picture

@ gorvgoyl

Gourav Goyal

Tech founder & Maker. I write about startups, tech, and developer productivity.

By the end of this guide, you'd be able to run, debug, and get IntelliSense for C/C++ files in VSCode. Though, this guide is focused on the Windows platform but can be extended to Mac and Linux with some minor changes.

I extensively used C & C++ in my competitive programming years and wanted better support for debugging & IntelliSense. The only options available were Dev-C++ (outdated) and the original "Mammoth" Visual Studio. Lately, I found VSCode and fell in love with it (first love was Atom). I tweaked it around and set it up as a complete IDE For small C, C++ projects especially geared towards competitive programming.

Create a sample C/C++ project

1. Open/Create an empty folder in VSCode.

2. Create a


 file inside it like below:

                                  #include                    <iostream>                                    using                  namespace                  std;                                      int                    main                    ()                  {                  cout                  <<                  "Hello World"                  <<                  endl;                  // uncomment below line to stop cmd from exiting immediately in case of "externalConsole": true                  //system("pause");                  return                  0; }              

3. Installrecommended C/C++ extension in VSCode and reload.


Official C/C++ Extension for VSCode

Install C/C++ Compiler

C/C++ extensiondoes not include a C++ compiler. So, you will need to install one or use which is already installed on your computer.

Windows: Download (latest release) and extract it to the C Drive.

Mac: XCode

Linux: GCC

Also, Make sure to add C++ compiler PATH to environment variable of your platform. For Windows MinGW64 add:


Run and Debug C/C++ Code

You'll notice that there is also a


 folder in your sample project. To configure

              debug configuration            

, 2 files are required







VSCode can create and auto-configure these files if we try to debug for the first time. To do that, open C++ file in VSCode and either hitF5 or go toDebug -> Start Debugging and select

              C++ (GDB/LLDB)            

 then select

              g++.exe build and debug active file            



Select C++ (GDB/LLDB)


Select g++.exe build and debug active file

This should create 2 files






 folder which should look like below (update the MinGW64 path if not correct)

Notice that I've added one more optional configuration

              g++ build & run active file            




              g++ build & run            



 file for purpose of alsoRunning C/C++ code without debugging. Now you may choose which configuration to pick when you start debugging. You may remove the configuration whichever you won't need.


Run & Debug or Only run code


                {                  "version":                  "0.2.0",                  "configurations": [     {                  "name":                  "g++.exe build and debug active file",                  "type":                  "cppdbg",                  "request":                  "launch",                  "program":                  "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",                  "args": [],                  "stopAtEntry":                  false,                  "cwd":                  "${workspaceFolder}",                  "environment": [],                  "externalConsole":                  false, //set to true to see output in cmd instead                  "MIMode":                  "gdb",                  "miDebuggerPath":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin\\gdb.exe",                  "setupCommands": [         {                  "description":                  "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",                  "text":                  "-enable-pretty-printing",                  "ignoreFailures":                  true                  }       ],                  "preLaunchTask":                  "g++.exe build active file"                  },     {                  "name":                  "g++ build & run active file",                  "type":                  "cppdbg",                  "request":                  "launch",                  "program":                  "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",                  "args": [],                  "stopAtEntry":                  false,                  "cwd":                  "${workspaceFolder}",                  "environment": [],                  "externalConsole":                  false, //set to true to see output in cmd instead                  "MIMode":                  "gdb",                  "miDebuggerPath":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin\\gdb.exe",                  "setupCommands": [         {                  "description":                  "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",                  "text":                  "-enable-pretty-printing",                  "ignoreFailures":                  true                  }       ],                  "preLaunchTask":                  "g++ build & run active file"                  } }              


                {                  "tasks": [     {                  "type":                  "shell",                  "label":                  "g++.exe build active file";,                  "command":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin\\g++.exe";,                  "args": [                  "-g",                  "${file}",                  "-o",                  "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe"                  ];,                  "options": {                  "cwd":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin"                  }     },     {                  "type":                  "shell",                  "label":                  "g++ build & run active file",                  "command":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin\\g++.exe",                  "args": [                  "${file}",                  "-o",                  "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe"                  ],                  "options": {                  "cwd":                  "C:\\MinGW64\\bin"                  }     }   ],                  "version": }              

`externalConsole` in `launch.json` can be set to true to see code output in cmd instead.

Restart VSCode to take effects of newly added compiler paths.

Open any C/C++ file, set some breakpoints (or not), and hit the Big Green Play Button.

(Shortcut to debug: F5 )


Select g++.exe build and debug active file

Tip: To hide


 files in the side explorer of VSCode, open settings and paste the below config:

                                  "files.exclude": {                  "*.exe":                  true                  }              


# vscode# debugging-in-vscode# cpp# c++# c# debugging# programming# c-programming# web-monetization

How To Code A Calendar App In C#


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